Providing practical, concise and non-stuffy advice. 

Simon tells you the most important thing at the time you need it and tells you exactly why it’s important to your business right now.

Let us protect and promote your intellectual property rights, ensure your organisation is data protection compliant, and manage your commercial risk. 

We aren't a traditional law firm, and we work with modern and dynamic clients

We provide the practical and effective services of an in-house legal advisor, but without the longer term commitments and overheads. If your business needs an extra pair of legal hands, why not get in touch?

Simon is approachable, very commercial and solutions-orientated. He also has an excellent understanding of commercial and data protection law. A real asset to our team.


Take a look at the kinds of things that we specialise in, and how you can use that to your benefit.

Having Simon on our side gives us a competitive advantage as we’re able to negotiate faster on contracts and secure the best deal in an honest way.


Interested in working together? Find out more about how that will work on a day-to-day basis.